Blog The Four Agreements (Plus One) Applied To Leadership {Don Miguel Ruiz's Work}

The Four Agreements (Plus One) Applied To Leadership {Don Miguel Ruiz's Work}


Have you heard of Don Miguel Ruiz? According to Wikipedia he's "Mexican author of Toltec spiritual and neoshamanistic texts...that focuses on ancient teachings as a means to achieve spiritual enlightenment."

He's most famous for his work "The Four Agreements", later of which he added a fifth agreement. Today, I'd love to introduce you to that work and how to apply it to Conscious Leadership.

Don Miguel Ruiz's Five Agreements

Agreement One: Be Impeccable With Your Word.

Agreement Two: Don't Take Anything Personally.

Agreement Three: Don't Make Assumptions.

Agreement Four: Always Do Your Best.

Agreement Five: Be Sceptical, But Learn To Listen.

Each of these agreements, follow on and support the preceeding agreement(s). So let's dive into each a little more.

#1 Be Impeccable With Your Word

Being impeccable with your word is making sure that what you say is true, keep your agreements, don't lie or mislead with your word. Be kind with your words. It's an act of integrity to be able to be impeccable with your word.

Your word is incredibly powerful and it can create something destructive or something constructive. Your word not only influences you, but influences all those around you. So choose your words carefully. Choose your words to be in alignment to the vision you hold for a more positive world.

Want to learn more about agreement one? Click here to dive in deeper!

#2 Don't Take Anything Personally.

Don't take anything personally speaks for itself. Stop assuming that people actually care that much about you that they would bother to make something personal. If they do, it's their problem not yours.

When you can master this, you free up so much energy and time to use to focus on what you do want to create! And, bonus, you have a far better experience of life! No more being offended by words or actions of others, let that just slide off of your back and refocus to your far more important vision for this world.

Want to learn more about agreement two? Click here to dive in deeper!

#3 Don't Make Assumptions

Don't make assumptions basically just means, don't make up stories! Because that's what assumptions are - stories, that have no real evidence behind them.

The thing with assumptions is that they have a snowball effect - when you make one assumption, it usually rolls into another one and another one, until you have reached a conclusion that is completely without evidence and usually catastrophised!

Assumptions... have a snowball effect...until you reached a conclusion that is...catastrophised

Now this is based off of the assumption, that I have that you are thinking of "bad assumptions". Good assumptions have the opposite effect! So if you "need" to have an assumption, adopt good assumptions! 

Stop assuming and concentrate on being here NOW and facing the truth that is right in front of you

Either way though, with assumptions, is that you usually aren't seeing the truth of NOW. And it's in this moment NOW that you can effect any change.  So stop assuming and concentrate on being here NOW and facing the truth that is right in front of you. 

Want to learn more about agreement three? Click here to dive in deeper!

#4 Always Do Your Best

Always do your best, means just that. Don't do it half-arsed. Don't waste your energy kicking and screaming through the mud, just do it. And do it well.

This ties into assumptions one, two and three - if you're doing your best, you're being impeccable with your word, you aren't taking things personally (you're just getting on with it) and you aren't making assumptions about others or yourself.

You are the only one that knows what your "best" is {and} your best can change from moment to moment

You are the only one that knows what your "best" is, no one else can tell you. And one more thing - your best can change from moment to moment and only you will know!

Want to learn more about agreement four? Click here to dive in deeper!

#5 Be Sceptical But Learn to Listen

Be sceptical but learn to listen. Got it? Good! But, really, we are advocating for a healthy dose of scepticism here - not just a paranoid, don't-believe-anything-they-say, kind of scepticism. Be a sceptic and ask questions.

A "good sceptic" is one who has an earnest motivation to find the truth. Whatever that truth may be. At the same time, if you want to be a "good sceptic" you need to learn to listen.

Just as we learnt in agreement four - don't make assumptions - you can't assume anything someone says is truth, you have to get behind what they're really saying to get to the true meaning of their words AND you have to get beyond your own assumptions that could block you from truly listening and finding the truth. Also, truth is changeable.

Remain a sceptic, but continue to listen. This is what allows you to continue to grow!

So remain a sceptic, but continue to listen. This is what allows you to continue to grow!

Want to learn more about agreement five? Click here to dive in deeper!

So Conscious Leader, out of those five agreements, which of them do you think you have to concentrate more on? Remember each of these, feed into the next and they require your honesty!

And lastly, know that you know your areas of improvement, how are you going to action these in your workplace?

Here for your constant evolution,


Nik Chung

Ps. I LOVE that you are a Conscious Leader! Want more personalised help to reach your leadership goals? Send me a private message on LinkedIn or email me on and let's chat!


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