Blog Transcending Collective Consciousness

Transcending Collective Consciousness


Collective or mass consciousness, are terms used to describe the overall, thoughts, beliefs and practices that a society, community or unit operate from.

In this blog I talk about transcending mass consciousness to create the change you want to see in your workplace or business.

Let's back peddle a wee bit, why this topic, now? It's personal.

Lately I've been feeling a little unsure about what I call "soul tugs" (some equate this to intuition) and unclear with my soul's communication. This is a channel of which I've become accustomed to hearing constantly - it is always there to give me a clearer perspective, point me in the right direction, remind me of who we truly are - limitless creators of our own lives.

But as I said, lately, the channel has been a little muffled. Sometimes silent. It's unusual and unsettling for me. And so I've found myself reverting back to LOGIC.

Logic resides in the realm of the ego, which forms its "logical" ideas based on personal experiences (including experiences of friends and family and close ones) and collective consciousness. Logical is safe. Logical is "within the (known) boundaries". Logical IS NOT expansive or transformative.

Logical is safe. Logical is "within the (known) boundaries". Logical IS NOT expansive or transformative.

During my journalling practice, I enquired about this lack of clarity and feeling of being stuck (stuck is not usually my style, I'm the one with a million and one ideas and a feeling of a firecracker under my bum propelling me forward, constantly).

My journal read like this:

"Why am I doubting my intuition, my deep knowing? My soul? Because I'm getting pulled in by the mass consciousness of the industry I want to penetrate - {which is} Unconscious, logic, no heart, no soul, no intuition."

AH-HA! Breakthrough moment. I see where I have been going wrong!

(Journal entry to be continued...)


The Collective Consciousness that prevails in traditional workplaces are stuck in outdated business models (I talk more about this in this blog) and leadership (see this blog for more on outdate leadership styles) :

  • Leadership is still often based upon a militaristic approach

  • Business models are influenced heavily by the industrial revolution - productivity and profit.

  • Both of which are heavily rooted in masculine energy that favours logic over emotions and spirituality, is goal and outcome oriented rather than process, and people oriented, structure over creativity and innovation, and more about DOING, action, rather than allowing and receiving.

So, in such a business paradigm as this, what becomes the collective consciousness?

  • Masculine qualities such as action, logic, structure and output are favoured over feminine qualities such as flow, creativity, innovation, connection and community.

  • Profit reigns over people and therefore employees feel undervalued and expendable.

  • Leaders (or better named "managers" as I detail in this blog) are seen as authority figures who can't be challenged or questioned and some see themselves as "better than" their fellow employees.

  • Employees then feel unseen and unheard in a workplace with such a leader, are uninspired and unmotivated.

  • Employees become less productive as a consequence of the above and there's a higher turnover of staff.

  • An attitude of "every man for themselves" prevails and less collaboration, community and "good" culture.

  • Employees and Conscious Leaders feel disheartened, disgruntled and like nothing will change.

I'm sure there's more, but you see what I'm getting at here.


The pull of Collective Consciousness is so strong. This is why I encourage my clients to question every single belief, thought and behaviour and ask "is this mine?". If we are not aware we can be like sponges that take on ideas that aren't even of our own making.

Ask "is this mine?". If we are not aware we can be like sponges that take on ideas that aren't even of our own making.

So what I was getting at in my journalling practice, was that I had unconsciously gotten pulled in to the collective consciousness of traditional corporate workplaces.

So I had lost my unique perspective and was trying to speak from WITHIN the paradigm I want to shift. This will never work!


(Journal entry continued...)

"I remind myself why I am here - to be not part of, but outside of, {in order} to be the paradigm breaker for this industry!"

Take this as your powerful reminder!

As a Conscious Leader, who wants to create positive impact in your place of work, you CANNOT be part of the mass consciousness that prevails.

You have to be outside of it.

You have to be seeing it for what it is, but not getting involved in it. Not getting "sucked back in" to the attitudes and actions that are seen as normal but toxic.

It is from this position that you get to truly make change:

  • You're not all heads-in-the-clouds, "I have a vision of a better world", like leader. You are grounded in knowing exactly what is going on BUT you choose to not be a part of it.

  • You create change by consciously choosing to go against the grain of what is normal and bring back more humanity and kindness to the workplace.

  • You become inspirational because of your ability to rise above the toxic (and normalised) behaviour of others and be a joyful, engaged and thoughtful leader.

It is your job to change the collective consciousness by first starting with yourself!

It is your job to change the collective consciousness by first starting with yourself!

That is what being a Conscious Leader is. LEADING the change.


To put this into action:

  • Understand the Collective Consciousness of your organisation - what are the inherent (and mass) thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that do not serve you and your people?

  • How do you play into this Collective Consciousness? What do you need to change to move outside of this?

  • What practices, resources, support do you need to assist your change?

Remember- As a Conscious Leader, you are a PARADIGM BREAKER!

And in order to be that, you have to TRANSCEND  the current collective consciousness that underpins the thing that you want to change.

As a Conscious Leader, you are a PARADIGM BREAKER! And in order to be that, you have to TRANSCEND the current collective consciousness that underpins the very thing that you want to change.


Nik Chung

ps. I love that you are stepping into this Conscious way of leading! If you desire support to rise even more, send me a private message and let's chat about your goals.


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